About Us

Maxecutive is the top dating coach company for business professionals

Max started his dating journey in Germany where he grew up as the only black kid in his town and was raised in a very religious background. During his teenage years Max battled an eye-disease and was a hopeless virgin. Max never stopped believing and fought hardships on his way to becoming an internationally acclaimed dating coach. 

Max has turned his life around and dated models, celebrities and instagram influencers along the way. He has shared his experiences along with his tried and tested dating principles to bring life changing results to so many men. His clients have gone from lonely and frustrated to being with the women they always wanted. 

Max`s Story


“Max , what are you doing!? You are more like a friend to me…“

Laura (my former crush) said out loud in front of my social circles and everybody burst out laughing… it was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life… 

This was the moment my dating journey started, but let’s back up…. 

When I was young, my life seemed successful…

My soccer team won the championship of one of the top German leagues.

After our last game my team celebrated our victory, huddled up together and joyfully screamed soccer songs. I joined in the happiness with my teammates, but internally my world was falling apart.

I was miserable…

It was supposed to be the biggest achievement of my life but it turned out to be the saddest day of my life.

That day I realized that despite my success, all the sacrifice and hard work did not bring me the woman I desired.

From the outside I looked like a winner but the harsh truth was: I was only successful in one area as my dating life was catastrophic …

I was the epitome of incompetent with women and a hopeless virgin….

I was actually extroverted around my friends BUT whenever I talked to girls I became shy and nervous. I started freezing or stuttering.

I was unsure how to start talking with women. I also felt insecure…

I found myself sometimes standing in front of the mirror asking myself: „Why are my eyes so small? Why do I have scars??“, “Why do I look different?”

I’m mixed raced (half german, half ghana). I have small eyes & had glasses back then, I also battled with an eye disease.

One day I recall watching a YouTube video about stereotypes & races. It said the black race is the second most unattractive and somehow this stuck with me.

Whenever I talked to white German girls, I was hesitant because I felt they didn’t like me because of my race.These uncertainties and insecurities held me back.

I always expected ‘no’s from women, and blamed my looks for my lack of success.

However, insecurities weren’t the only thing which held me back. I always had excuses and was worried how others viewed me. I’d even use my success as a reason to justify my shortcomings. “At least I’m successful in my soccer career” was my mantra.

I was always trying to downplay how bad I was doing, just to protect my ego and to avoid feeling bad about myself.

I pretended to be cool and said I never compare myself to others, but I constantly did.

I was lonely and trapped. The pain became intolerable and it wouldn’t stop. I felt exhausted and drained. My projections about the future didn’t stop. The thoughts of dying alone or settling with a girl I didn’t like were exhausting.

The fear of being embarrassed and being rejected were too paralyzing…

However, I still craved having the women I always wanted in my life.

On the day we won the championship, I realized I´m not happy.

I reached a point where I desperately wanted to do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to escape this pain. I decided that I finally want to take action.

Our championship party was the perfect event to finally try…


I was daydreaming about being in a relationship with a pretty girl for years.

And a few months before I got to know a girl named Laura through my social circle. I didn’t talk much with her in person, but I had the courage to text her online.

I knew she´d be at our championship party.

I was feeling sad, but I wasn’t ready to give up and decided that I will turn my most successful day into an even happier ending..

I decided I would make a move on her there and this time I would try to kiss her.

Finally, the evening arrived. The party took place in a friend’s garden which was lit up, like a scene from a movie. Laura was there, hanging out with her friends, and I noticed other guys approaching her. I was too scared to talk to her and normally I don’t drink, but that night I did, hoping it would calm me down and give me courage..

As the night went on, I saw Laura, finally without her friends. This was the chance I’ve been waiting for. It’s now or never was I convinced myself. Suddenly, my throat was hot and tight. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. My heart was racing, I walked over to her with shaky legs, feeling heavier with each step.

My mind screamed at me to turn back…

But this time, I gathered all my courage and sat down next to her.

I tried to talk to her, but I was too nervous and the words didn’t come out right. I was conscious of my stuttering and the hesitant tone in my voice. I came off as weird and unsure of what to say. Somehow she didn’t leave and was polite.

As I ran out of words, a voice in my head urged me on. ‘Now or never,’ it said again. She was sitting closely, to my right so I initiated the move.

My heart was pounding like crazy, and my throat gasped for air. I turned towards her, intending to kiss her. Just as I was inches away, ready to seal the deal, she abruptly turned her head away and said, ‘Max, what are you doing?! You’re just a friend to me.'”

A few guys saw this and started laughing.

Soon everybody noticed, stared and laughed at us.. It was horrible. The rejection cut like a knife, but the laughter was even worse. This was the most embarrassing moment in my life. I felt so uncomfortable and no doubt she did as well. I just wanted to sink into the ground and disappear…

Sleeping that day was impossible. I had so many visions of how the people would react when I’d see them again. I thought my life would just get worse after the embarrassing rejection.

However a few days went by and I actually slowly realized that the rejection was the best thing that could have happened to me. I was finally free. I had nothing to fear and worry about anymore.

I was feeling all this pain for so long, just to realize that I could have escaped much earlier from my self-imposed prison

One week later I picked myself up and approached a girl on the street. Even though she rejected me, this time it didn’t hurt as much…

I then started talking to girls more and more. I even started to analyze my interactions. The Women I desired started to like me. I realized I can actually learn this and improve.

And that’s how my dating journey started….


We know our dream woman is NOT waiting for us. It’s not easy to admit that we’re not reaching our potential but we all have the power to change. We can become the attractive man we dream to be and enjoy relationships with the women we desire.
I spent thousands of hours studying sexual attraction, female psychology, human behavior, social dynamics and female dating patterns. I’ve researched how limiting beliefs, self-sabotage and the ego work in terms of dating. I learned how to reprogram and change negative thoughts and dating behavior.

Now my dating life is outstanding. I’ve had amazing experiences and relationships with some of the most attractive high value women worldwide. I’ve interacted with thousands of women during my journey.

I have even coached many of the top dating coaches on how to improve the quality of women they date. 

I’ve been featured on TV in NBC, CBS, Digital Journal, USA Today, Fox and many more. 

My social media accounts have millions of followers.

I have revolutionized dating and created a result oriented system that men can implement quickly. 

How to approach women, have a bulletproof mindset, know exactly what to say, adapt your body language, communicate your value, get investment, assert leadership, set boundaries, escalate a sexual encounter and master texting. 

This next level of confidence and masculinity is available to everyone. We all have the ability to change and get the women we desire.


And now, I’m going to help you to get the women you want and deserve.

Most entrepreneurs and professionals tend to settle for their girlfriend or wife. A majority of them have never had a fulfilling experience with a high quality woman before. Instead they settle with someone they’re not proud of rather than end up lonely. 

They delude themselves into thinking they’re good with women in order to protect themselves. Because the truth hurts. 

It’s a shame because for millions of men having an ineffective dating life is the recipe for feeling empty, depressed or lonely. Underperforming in your dating life, impacts other areas of your life including business, mental & physical health and relationships with family and friends.


It‘s not shameful to fail with women but it is a shame if someone creates an illusion that they’re doing well with women in order to protect their ego. The biggest failure is not not taking responsibility and action to correct it.

The time is now to start figuring out what you want. You can be with women you desire.
You deserve to be with women you’ve only dreamt about. Most men realize too late that they’ve been wasting time with dating.They enter relationships with women they’re not satisfied with. Then later they regret not having the competence to find the right woman. They are forced to settle or even die alone. This is a recipe for a lonely life.

Don’t neglect your love life. When you have a successful dating life then you’ll be unstoppable in all other areas of life.

There are no limits.

It‘s not shameful to fail with women but it is a shame if someone creates an illusion that they’re doing well with women in order to protect their ego. The biggest failure is not not taking responsibility and action to correct it. 

The time is now to start figuring out what you want. You can be with women you desire.

You deserve to be with women you’ve only dreamt about. Most men realize too late that they’ve been wasting time with dating.They enter relationships with women they’re not satisfied with. Then later they regret not having the competence to find the right woman. They are forced to settle or even die alone. This is a recipe for a lonely life. 

Don’t neglect your love life. When you have a successful dating life then you’ll be unstoppable in all other areas of life. 

There are no limits. 

It’s time you realize how much power is inside you. YOU can date & have relationships with the beautiful women you’ve always wanted. 

These Free Coaching Sessions will be only this month and as soon as they are booked out they will not be available anymore. Don´t waste another day. Press this button and accomplish your dating goals now with just one click 👇